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Meet the players who help make the clan possible!


Working day by day to make sure the clan runs smoothly, its a big weight to hold for both these loving creepers. We do a little bit of everything, whether it goes to updating the clan's webpage, hanging out in Discord, or attending each of the daily meetups!


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Hello! My name is Storm, and I'm one of the original founders here at RektlessPvP! I love spending time interacting with our players over Twitter and other social media. If you need anything, don't be afraid to reach out to me!  

Social Media Support

Working effortlessly behind the scenes, our Social Media Managers help connect you to our clan! Working on our Twitter Instagram, Discord, and YouTube, they're always there supporting our players!


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Hellow! I'm Ravel, a Social Media Manager at RektlessPvP! I like music, arts, movies and more. Whenever you want, you can come and chat with me on Twitter or Discord!


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Kurojaki Kaoru

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Software Developer, Music Producer, YouTuber & GFX Designer.

Hi I'm Fenix,Meetup Coordinator,Staff and Social media Guy. I also make Gfx and make people laugh

Meetup Coordinator

A Meetup cannot go on without having a location to gather! This role helps out in making sure we have a working server IP, as well as deciding the location of our ever-changing Meetup locations!


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Everyone I met are truly awesome people | support for @ztechpe | (Insert ban pun here) | welcome to the land of tweeting XD


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Just a calm and quiet person working for a cool clan.


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I'm 13 years old and I play video games... But None The Less... GOD BLESS


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Hey y'all I'm Angel! I'm a meetup coordinator for Rektless who likes to take screenies, flying around, and seeing other players. I also love listening to music, school (it's true!), watching anime, playing Touhou and other video games, and more that I can't put in one sentence. See y'all around, ciao!~

Blog Writers

In order to fuel our newest blog pages, we need writers! Blog Writers will recap important Meetups, events, and all news RektlessPvP! Stay tuned to our upcoming subscriptions as well, and get in a good read!


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45th President of the Minecraft ServerSupport Community


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Hello, I'm Nyan!  I'm an animator who LOVES to play Minecraft. I've played Minecraft since it came out and still do play it to this day! I'm more of a shy person, but I do like meeting new people!!


Assisting in our Discord server, our loyal Moderators help enforce the rules, and keep everyone having fun! If you ever have any questions, one should be on to help assist you with your needs!


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Hello! My name is Crick! I am a creeper that plays some block game called Minecraft. I am a proud RektlessPvP Discord Moderator. My favorite word is "lol"


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yo it's that one Haley wolf


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I'm 13 years old I enjoy helping the community, I love to communicate with others and get to know people.


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Greetings,I'm Isaiah a RektlessPvP discord moderator,If there's any issues revolved with the discord feel free to shoot-out a DM to me via.Twitter or By Discord (Xqrzd#6073) (@TBNRJokeKey)

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