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Brand New Blog!

Welcome to the RektlessPvP Blog!

Run by the team behind the RektlessPvP Clan, this blog will be a new way of interacting with our players, especially those who enjoy to read! Since this is the very first post, it will address upcoming plans with the clan, blog, and even the dreaded 'S-word'.... School. Any and all important information will of course still be updated on our Twitter and Discord.

So what's coming soon with RektlessPvP?

A lot actually. And not a lot of time left to do it in.

At the time of writing this, our staff applications were just opened up for the first time.. in quite a while. Lately things have been getting real busy behind the scenes, and myself and a few other staff are struggling to keep up. Which is why we have launched our brand new Staff Application Form!

The three new positions are as followed~

Meetup Coordinator- Runs daily Meetups through finding a server location, announcing to the Discord channel, and leading players through the Meetup! (Consisting of pre-meetup screenies, various game selection and playing, and after-meetup screenies!

Instagram Support- Takes pictures at our various Meetups, and posts them directly on our Instagram page! Also helps give support to anyone else, if need be.

Blog Writer- Well what'd you know.. blog writers are needed the day we introduce our blog! What a coincidence! Not really.

The blog idea came from one of our loyal Discord Moderators, CreationHQ. This position will further expand our writing updates, per weekly, or sometimes even more frequently. Must have a fluent use of English, and use proper spelling and grammar.

And of course, Discord Moderator, if you wish to apply for that as well. (Removed the old form, to make things easier)

Anything Else?

School is always an upcoming worry, as lately our player counts begin to decrease. We'll stick on our current meetup schedule till August 20th, then make a decision from there on how it will go. We understand education is very important for our players, so don't be alarmed if our Meetups slow down to 1-2 per week.

But for now, that's it for this blog post! More things will of course be worked on behind the scenes, Gallery updates, renewal of the 'Team' page on our website, trying out servers we haven't tried before, and much more!

Happy Rekting!


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